Interactive All-glass Bus Shelter and Piezo electric harvester
The studio was invited to presented its ground-breaking interactive all glass bus shelter at the Smart Cities World Expo in Barcelona by the regional government´s environment ministry and the Barcelona design museums innovation hub - MaterFAD. The display of the shelter included the presentation of the jury video of the competition winning scheme in Denmark as well as the scale model of the scheme that was under development with the Nordic Glazing Association.
Our presentation focused in the integration of various glazing processes and the technology transfer from lighting, information, thermal and energy harvesting systems into a fluid and unified design product. The scheme was developed in parallel with Danish engineers Ramboll and Glazing specialists ADT from Amsterdam. .
We took the opportunity to include in our proposal another Collaboration with the Elisava School and the Leitat Technology Centre where we introduced a complementary urban energy system - the Piezo Electric energy harvesters embedded in the carriageway - that would supplement the renewable energy sources that feed the glass shelter lighting and information systems